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2 hours ago, Andyww said:

....and second the way in which VAT works in the EU, which the UK has always been...

I think you should explain how you think the VAT works and how the UK would be losing on it.

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3 minutes ago, PAR said:

I think you should explain how you think the VAT works and how the UK would be losing on it.

I know exactly how it works as I run a business which exports. Its different whether the product is downloadable or physical and whether the customer is a business or individual. Its highly complex and in fact so much so that many small businesses find it impossible to direct-sell downloadable products to EU countries. I am not going to go into a detailed explanation here.

I will just throw this in though:


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So you are upset about downloadable products VAT regime (not all VAT) and about organised gangs ripping off European countries including the Uk.

I apologise, I wrongly thought you were saying some countries like Luxembourg  take VAT from the UK which would not have been correct so I was trying to get to the bottom of that.

On issue regarding downloadable products I fear this is not related to brexit/deal/no deal/remain as any form of policing is difficult. All the companies you names are US companies that play aggressively the system and I doubt the government will make this a priority as they negotiate a trade agreement with the US. 

In general, i think European governments are making up fake EU problems to hide away their lack of action on things which is under their remit. Blame others all the time and do nothing yourself seems like a easy path.

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5 hours ago, theelanman said:

I see the politicians are back to their own sweet ways again......

rather than getting on with it they're arguing the toss about nothing and getting offended by the improper use of language

to quote the most namby pamby one I heard........"moderate your language so we can all feel safe going about our jobs"

another one......"brought 'this honourable member' to tears..........the words surrender , capitulation, traitor and treason"

oh get a fikkin grip would you........

hows BREXIT going or are you just trying to delay it a bit longer by wasting time in venting your own personal frustrations about nothing

Worse than kids in the playground. Exchanges in the Commons at times have always been a bit bizarre but this has taken things to a new level which they all should be very much ashamed of. 

I think that every constituency should really evaluate their MPs performance and contributions to this and, for those that are a waste of space (probably the majority), change their nominated representative for the next GE. Although the events of the past 3 years shows that it is time for a big shake up of our political system.

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On 26/09/2019 at 14:08, PAR said:

So you are upset about downloadable products VAT regime (not all VAT) and about organised gangs ripping off European countries including the Uk.


What I am most upset about is the large scale tax avoidance on all fronts which the EU have only just got around to a feeble attempt at doing anything about despite it having been going on for 20 years or so and costing the UK and other countries billions.

Even now, they are not targetting any of the companies who use deals set up by Juncker. Guess they cant do that until he goes.

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  • Gold FFM

By Jesus - 20 years after he touched a leg! 

I personally don’t care if he paid the whole of the Russian female Olympic Shot Put Team to eat caviar off his belly button at tax payers expense,

Just get it on and deliver at the end of October. 

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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk - that will teach us to keep mouth shut!

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Ms Edwards, in her new job, is trying to increase her profile ..

20 years after the alleged incident .. why has she waited so long? It isn’t as if Boris has only just recently had a high profile 

as for Acquiri - scrapping the barrel, pathetic 

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On 26/09/2019 at 17:55, Sparky said:

Screw this.  We'll be back when it's sorted.


That does not look like Coach Class to me!!

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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5 hours ago, mayevora said:

By Jesus - 20 years after he touched a leg! 

I personally don’t care if he paid the whole of the Russian female Olympic Shot Put Team to eat caviar off his belly button at tax payers expense,

Just get it on and deliver at the end of October. 

She is also Robert Pestons other half. Says it all.

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

"I haven't ridden in cars pulled by cows before" "Bullocks, Mr.Belcher" "No, I haven't, honestly"

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EU Diplomats say the Johnson deal is surprisingly better than they thought it would be.

Meanwhile Labour and the Liberals (Won't call them democrats cause theres nothing democratic about them) state they will block it in parliament and ensure it doesn't go through.

So basically, instead of doing whats best for the country they are playing politics to oust someone who will only get back in again at the next General Election. If anyone needs any more proof that the majority of MP's are only out for themselves they have it here.

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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2 hours ago, Kimbers said:

EU Diplomats say the Johnson deal is surprisingly better than they thought it would be.

Meanwhile Labour and the Liberals (Won't call them democrats cause theres nothing democratic about them) state they will block it in parliament and ensure it doesn't go through.

So basically, instead of doing whats best for the country they are playing politics to oust someone who will only get back in again at the next General Election. If anyone needs any more proof that the majority of MP's are only out for themselves they have it here.

That is the main point, if we end up leaving without a deal the fault lies entirely with those in Parliament, led in the main by comrade Corbyn, who are out just to oppose whatever is put on front of them by the opposition. 

Corbyn, in addition to his vested and selfish desires to be PM, wants out anyway so his tactics are to hopefully blame a no deal on the Conservatives hoping that the electorate forget that he is the one instructing Labour MPs to vote with him. It will be interesting to see how many Labour MPs ignore the whip next time around.

Forget this”Benn law” crap about making a no deal against the law. They tend to ignore the fact that any requested extension has to be agreed by the EU and I think they have no had enough of the idiots in Parliament who can’t see beyond the end of their noses.

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With regards to getting a deal (any deal) done, it really strikes me that everyone is utterly clueless. IF the UK leaves the EU with NO DEAL then the Border between Eire and Northern Ireland will HAVE to have border controls - just as there will be between England and France. Why can they not see (ignoring the Remoaners!) that any solution, be-it Boris's or Teresa May's, is going to result in a compromise if we are in actual fact going to do anything that looks like leaving.

The backstop was rejected because it wasn't 'leave' enough. I actually think BoJo may have pulled this one out of the bag - unfortunately, will those 40 odd ex-Conservative MPs now support this new deal (were it ever to get to Parliament?). Without them , even if the ERG could support the new arrangement,  I'm still not sure Boris has the numbers - however, losing this deal because of Parliamentary discord may well significantly increase BoJos chances come a GE.

Imagine a FTSE 100 Company with a Board of Directors who behaved like MPs in Parliament. It wouldn't last 10 minutes! Who wants to re-Nationalise anything and grant control to this lot of total F*CKWITS

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Is the price for that bit in Yen or £?

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7 hours ago, PaulCP said:

Forget this”Benn law” crap about making a no deal against the law. They tend to ignore the fact that any requested extension has to be agreed by the EU and I think they have no had enough of the idiots in Parliament who can’t see beyond the end of their noses.

They will though, because they don’t want us to leave, but even better, in the interim they get the best of both worlds, we are still in so they get the benefit, whilst we don’t as we’re busy shooting ourselves in the foot. 

Blessed with the competence to be a slave to the incapable.

Currently without a Lotus, Evora 400 Hethel Edition in Racing Green with Red leather and 2010 Evora N/A in Laser Blue and 1983 Lotus Excel LC Narrow body in Ice Blue all sadly gone.

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\we have a farce of a Country right now and and a farce of an institution that should be attending to the will of the people. Now this. MP's going to Judges to get the PM imprisoned should he actually do what the public voted for.

This is a new low for this country, or any country and sets a new mow in how low MP's will go to thwart democracy and secure their own selfish ends.


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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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On 03/10/2019 at 18:20, SFO said:

I wish U.K. news media would focus less on what EU wants and more on how unacceptable it is for the EU to demand that we, in effect, concede sovereignty on Northern Ireland to the EU. 

Yes i find it amazing that they insist that ireland has no borders because it is EU but they are happy that NI has a border with it’s own country!  Go figure. Hypocrisy of the highest order.

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On 04/10/2019 at 22:20, Buddsy said:

I saw an MEP saying we if Brexit it not delivered on 31 we should withhold all taxes.



No taxation without representation.




I’ve been suggesting we withhold our council tax until brexit is delivered.

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