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So who’s been on a regular airline flight since the travel restrictions were eased? My first one is on Monday. I’m dipping my toe in gently with a 1 hour flight to Germany and back 2 days later. Got my masks!

I’m also (re-)booked on a return BA flight to India on 1 August. CV-19 is kicking off big time over there and there haven’t been any flights for months, so I can’t see that changing in the next 19 days and obviously hope it doesn’t. When I go on-line to Manage my booking, it’s still showing as a normal flight booking, but they will provide a Future Travel Voucher.

Edit. Just applied for and received the BA voucher. It’s a business trip, so not my own money to refund anyway. I now have until April 2022 to sort something else out.

Edited by LotusLeftLotusRight
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My daughter works for BA and says the flights have been dead (sic).

I used to travel by plane every week pre COVID. I have no inclination right now to get on a plane to anywhere. Thankfully my work are being sensible about travel too so I'm not under pressure to travel at all. In fact in the UK we've just had our best ever H1 for sales!  Go figure!

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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40 minutes ago, Sparky said:

@C8RKH how's her job looking?

OK but I think she has decided to leave!

God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

Or aren't following.

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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I won't be wearing a mask, so I won't be going to any shops - exactly the opposite to what the government is hoping to promote. 

I've just signed up for milk deliveries, start Thursday, and have a couple of trial meat and fish deliveries from online butchers and fishmongers coming on Friday.

Going to visit my local farm shop tomorrow to check out their fruit & veg, and will have dried stuff delivered from Amazon or a Supermarket - although we still have a huge box full of this from February which I stocked up on before all the hoarding started.

I don't go to any other shops as I but everything else (from swimming pools to PC parts) on-line.

Although, must get my hair cut this weekend before the mask edict comes into force, then that's me sorted until the end of the year - last cut was Dec 2019, and normally every 2-3 months. Last time I let my wife cut it, it was a "bit" of a disaster.







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2 hours ago, ChrisJ said:

I won't be wearing a mask, so I won't be going to any shops - exactly the opposite to what the government is hoping to promote. 

I've just signed up for milk deliveries, start Thursday, and have a couple of trial meat and fish deliveries from online butchers and fishmongers coming on Friday.

Going to visit my local farm shop tomorrow to check out their fruit & veg, and will have dried stuff delivered from Amazon or a Supermarket - although we still have a huge box full of this from February which I stocked up on before all the hoarding started.

I don't go to any other shops as I but everything else (from swimming pools to PC parts) on-line.

Although, must get my hair cut this weekend before the mask edict comes into force, then that's me sorted until the end of the year - last cut was Dec 2019, and normally every 2-3 months. Last time I let my wife cut it, it was a "bit" of a disaster.







 Cutting your nose to spite your face.

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9 hours ago, scotty435 said:

Cutting your nose to spite your face.


Are you happy to wear a mask in a shop? Will you wear a mask at your place of work (as this seems to be coming next)?

If it is so dangerous to shop that we need to wear a mask, why not immediately? Why is it being delayed until the 24th July? Why wasn't it introduced at the height of the pandemic - at which time it would have made more sense? Why haven't we all dropped down dead over the past few months when we have all been out shopping without this vital protection?

It seems that twitter froths, the BBC revels in it and the government reacts. 

I have no wish to wear a mask, and have no need to do, so as the only shop I visit is a supermarket, so I have taken steps so that I don't have to visit one - I'll see if the produce is better/worse than the supermarket when it arrives. If worse, there are plenty of alternatives out there. 

If you wish to wear a mask, that is your prerogative, but this shouldn't be something forced by law, especially as there doesn't seem to be an exit strategy. This virus is not going away, we need to learn to live with it.

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I think it’s just carrying on from the public transport and planes thing for crowded places. They couldn’t just introduce it immediately, because only a minority of the population have suitable face coverings, so would be unable to go to the shops all of a sudden. They need time to acquire them (that will be big business for some people!). Why didn’t they do it ages ago, if it’s now necessary? Good question.

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The mask strategy doesn't seem to have come from anywhere other than the "government seen to be doing something". They have scared the population into staying inside, now they are trying to get them out and about, but saying it is too dangerous to go into shops.

Why are the shop workers being exempted from covering their faces? https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/supermarket-staff-face-covering-rule-george-eustice-a4497426.html - although this is from a government minister and another one will probably say completely the opposite tomorrow.

Are you going to wear a mask to the shops? Are you going to wear a mask in the office?



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On 04/07/2020 at 21:28, LotusLeftLotusRight said:

They’re like wild animals freed from the zoo around here. Non stop drinking from midday and driving their cars. Still hard at it outside. They moved many of the remotely located picnic tables together to make nice big Coronavirus groups. It’s much worse than even I expected and I am used to these idiots. I am sure they’ll be plenty in A&E tonight. Great Britain indeed.

Just a quick update on this. Turns out the Council’s Senior Environmental Health Officer went on a tour of the local pubs on that day they all re-opened. He wanted to check that they were all following the new regulations to protect their staff and customers. Everywhere he visited was complying until he got to our local. He was flabbergasted. The police were called and the crowds dispersed. Action has since been taken against the pub management and last weekend was a completely different scenario. They’re treading on very thin ice now.

On another point I went to play cricket with my two boys in the local park yesterday evening. Whilst we were there a local kids’ football team turned up and basically took over half the field for training. There was zero social distancing or any CV-19 measures taken. 14 boys (approx. 10 year-olds) all training and then splitting into two teams and playing practice matches against each other. All this whilst 10+ parents were huddled around a park bench gassing to each other. One of my sons plays for the local youth football club. That club has had to follow FA instructions and put in umpteen new measures for pre-season training: eg. bubbles of max 5 players + 1 coach, specific mapped out training areas per group, hand sanitizer and ball disinfectant stations, 30 minute gaps between sessions, parents to leave the site or at least stay in their cars, etc. What’s the point in clubs following the FA instructions, if others just ignore them?

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There seems to be a very different attitude in the UK (and Europe) vs Asia. We seem to object to a mask being worn, yet Asia where they've been living with the threat of SARS for a while, seem to consider it unforgivably impolite to fail to wear a mask. 

The  masks seem to give very little protection to the wearer, I don't know why but guess the fact that the mucus membrane of the eyes still being exposed has something to do with it. So for me, the fact that I'm wearing a mask isn't going make me feel safer (unless it's a full face covering with a proven level of filtration) The masks do seem to give some small protection to others from infected people if the infected person wears a mask, so I'l feel less exposed to the virus when I'm in a shop if all others are wearing masks. I have no desire to unwitting infect others (if I have the virus and am asymptomatic),  nor do I have a desire to be infected by either others who do so unwittingly or knowingly, as such I'm pleased the masks are to be mandated. 

By giving us several days notice, it gives people time to either buy or fashion an item (I bought some at the weekend when it seemed obvious the rules were coming),  not that people really have to make something, a simple piece of fabric wrapped around is enough. I get why they weren't mandated early on, for the simple reason that we had a shortage of medical-grade ones for front-line medical staff so the minor improvement for general public would have been outweighed by the massive problem it would have caused for medical staff. We're now at the point where things that make people feel safe are possible even if they don't make much difference, a bit like the old instructions in case of nuclear attack (which translate to building a self-burial spot under stairs but are labelled as building a shelter).

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  • Gold FFM

Fortunately, Tracy's a bit of a whizzkid on the sewing machine.


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British Fart to Florida, Nude to New York, Dunce to Denmark, Numpty to Newfoundland.  And Shitfaced Silly Sod to Sweden.

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