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Trump's twitter account has been disabled for the next 12 hours. It is interesting that all of the upper brass was consulting with Pence, not Trump, when this was going down.

The leaders have basically invoked the 25th amendment but won't make it official. That is another sad statement.


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It's an error to shut down the Donald's Twitter account as he's verbally incontinent and would persist in counselling sedition if given the mike. The evidence of the folly of his being elected is now past where the believers can reasonably refuse to see what they have brought upon the nation. Above all, Trump's legacy will rest at the feet of this week's travesties and that is the single just thing about the sad saga of #45.

America will do better.

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I disagree! You cannot let the instigator continue to create rhetoric that keeps the Mob active He will NOT admit that he did anything wrong. His followers will only read from his tweets what they want to believe.


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I wish I was surprised to see how fast the coup plotters and enablers changed their tune when their people came to visit them at their house, at the President's  request.  This sudden concern for American values is Sad

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Also, do you not think Putin is just doing back springs?  What a total success!   It feels like he just won a war. Wow.  

And one more thing.  There will be a lot of third party talk and this time it is serious.  But first we need to get through this crisis.  

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'17 Evora 400 MT 


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  • Gold FFM

What has happened that we are not aware of here in Australia?

All we know is that when they stop making this, we will be properly, properly sad.Jeremy Clarkson on the Esprit.

Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, some just stink more than others.

For forum issues, please contact one of the Moderators. (I'm not one of the elves anymore, but I'll leave the link here)

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Michael, you simply must switch on the telly, it's epic depravity the like of which we may not live to see again. Then come back and read up from my earliest of today's posts.


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The worst of this for me, is that Trump probably believes his own words, that he won the election, it was stolen from him and he he needs the people to prevent an injustice. It's sad that I think he has become so delusional.


I'm still wondering about the news story of plans to come to Scotland for golf on the day that Biden takes office. I have visions of Sturgeon putting traffic cones across the runway.

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  • Gold FFM

What this does actually highlight though - the need to remove the postal voting system. It’s clearly not fit for purpose and can be subject to widespread electoral fraud. Not saying this is the case here - but it simply wouldn’t be an issue had there been no postal voting.

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52 minutes ago, Barrykearley said:

What this does actually highlight though - the need to remove the postal voting system. It’s clearly not fit for purpose and can be subject to widespread electoral fraud. Not saying this is the case here - but it simply wouldn’t be an issue had there been no postal voting.

There's nothing wrong with the idea of postal voting itself, as long as it is robust, but it is possible to have fraud on in-person voting so they both need to achieve similar standards of security. This problem would never have occurred if Trump hadn't claimed (falsely) that there was proven mass fraud.

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1 hour ago, Barrykearley said:

What this does actually highlight though - the need to remove the postal voting system. It’s clearly not fit for purpose and can be subject to widespread electoral fraud. Not saying this is the case here - but it simply wouldn’t be an issue had there been no postal voting.

Please provide the evidence!

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1 hour ago, andydclements said:

I'm still wondering about the news story of plans to come to Scotland for golf on the day that Biden takes office. I have visions of Sturgeon putting traffic cones across the runway.

I'll help her put them out.   There should be consequences to his actions.  Also The king is dead.  Long live the king'.    

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I've said it all along. A totally incompetent clown, who doesn't know anything about how government is run and wouldn't hire competent ,experienced people because he thought he knew it all.



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  • Gold FFM

Postal vote manipulation isn’t new - not to anyone. Not saying it’s happened in the US - but it’s definitely happened in the UK and has been recorded as such. 

you need to question the individuals right to a private vote - when someone else can vote on their behalf. It’s just plain open to fraud

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The only thing you can take from this is that Trump Voters need to do more exercise! 3 out of the 4 deaths were caused by Heart attacks!

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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