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How can the Government still be claiming on the gov.uk website that the UK “R” rate is 0.9% - 1.1%, so effectively constant (last updated on Friday)? The average new number of daily cases has more than tripled in recent weeks. I know it’s been a good few years since I was studying maths at school, but I’m struggling to work out their logic on this one.

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13 hours ago, LotusLeftLotusRight said:

How can the Government still be claiming on the gov.uk website that the UK “R” rate is 0.9% - 1.1%, so effectively constant (last updated on Friday)? The average new number of daily cases has more than tripled in recent weeks. I know it’s been a good few years since I was studying maths at school, but I’m struggling to work out their logic on this one.

Sorry, not percent of course, it’s just a rate so 0.9 - 1.1.

Edited by LotusLeftLotusRight
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  • Gold FFM

I do hope Dave Freeman is ready for the rush on Sunday.

British Fart to Florida, Nude to New York, Dunce to Denmark, Numpty to Newfoundland.  And Shitfaced Silly Sod to Sweden.

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I must be one of those f*****g stupid people in the other thread.
Apparently new CV-19 cases are doubling every 7 - 8 days and yet the R rate is now 1 - 1.2.

Can somebody please explain?


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This is a must read, and points to an error in early days where 'case' and 'infection' fatality rates were wrongly reported, causing the modelling to be out by a factor of 10. And by a certain Dr Fauci no less.


A quote from article, which gives a flavour:

It seems that Dr Fauci just got mixed up with the terminology. Because in his Journal article eleven days earlier, he did state… ‘This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza… [and here is the kicker at the end] (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%).

You see, he did say the case fatality rate of influenza was approximately 0.1%. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong… wrong.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. With influenza, Dr Fauci, the CDC, his co-authors, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the National Institutes of Health and the New England Journal of Medicine got case fatality rate and infection fatality rate mixed up with influenza. Easy mistake to make. Could have done it myself. But didn’t.

You want to know where Imperial College London really got their 1% infection fatality rate figure from? It seems clear that they got it from Anthony S Fauci and the New England Journal of Medicine. The highest impact journal in the world – which should have the highest impact proof-readers in the world. But clearly does not.

Imperial College then used this wrong NEJM influenza case fatality rate 0.1%. It seems that they then compared this 0.1% figure to the reported COVID case fatality rate, estimated to be 1% and multiplied the impact of COVID by ten – as you would. As you probably should.

So, we got Lockdown. The US used the Fauci figure and got locked down. The world used that figure and got locked down.

That figure just happens to be ten times too high.

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It doesn't really matter how many cases are "found". If none of them are going to hospital, none of them are ill.



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  • Gold FFM

@ChrisJ totally agree, 41k people have died out of 66 million just do the math. I have a full order book but no one will let us in their buildings the only “company” letting us in from next week is the NHS 

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My kids' school has just mandated masks. In the region we live there have been ZERO hospitalisations of children 6-17 years old, and only 76 in total of all ages. 24 of which are under 65.  

It is really pathetic now.

From the BBC today - 6 new deaths - SIX, bloody hell run and hide behind the sofa.

From ITV news



A further nine people who tested positive for coronavirus have died in hospital in England, bringing the total number of confirmed reported deaths in hospitals to 29,648, NHS England said on Friday.

Patients were aged between 79 and 88 years old and all had known underlying health conditions.

The dates of the deaths were between September 8 and September 10 and seven occurred in the North West region.

Another two deaths were reported with no positive Covid-19 test result.


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getting CV19 cases down - has become the holy grail for Governments around the world without reference to other criteria, such as numbers in hospitals and deaths, neither of which has increased materially 

this focus on cases is as additive, if not more so, than crack cocaine.

meanwhile, society is in limbo, kids are not allowed to be kids, people are not being treated, the economy is fcuked and we are burdening future generations with horrendous debt

utterly bonkers .. the cost and disruption of the precautions far far outweigh the actual risks of CV19

talk about making a mountain out of a molehill




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It's just muppetry and getting stupid now. I'm almost at the point of saying the government should release all lockdowns. Let people catch Covid and if people die then tragic as it is, so be it.

After all we:

1. still let people drink to excess and die from liver failure and other complications - oh, more than Covid and yes, "guilty m'lord"

2. still let people smoke and die from cancer and other associated diseases - oh, more than Covid and no, "not guilty m'lord"

3. tolerate and even give free drugs to drug abusers who die from their habits - oh, more than Covid and no, "not guilty m'lord"

4. still let people eat too many pies, become obese and die from their habits - oh, more than Covid and yes, "guilty m'lord but I just could not resist that Gregs sausage roll"

FFS, time to just get on with it and suck it up. We are born. We live. We die. Those who are lucky live longer than those who are not. Those who choose and live right, live linger than those who do not (but the former don't necessarily enjoy life more than the latter)




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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • Gold FFM

Sadly I’ve a couple of tenants whom are royally taking the piss. Section 21 eviction notices served just prior to lockdown. I really doubt with the current pishe that I’ll get the benefits scroungers out before Xmas. Cheers covid

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I can’t see this Rule of Six having much effect on the spread of new infections. It will only effect a tiny proportion of most people’s lives. Where do we spend most time?

1. at home, so not relevant 

2. at work or in education, so exempt

3. travelling to/from the above, so either not relevant (in car) or exempt (in public transport)

4. shopping, so exempt

5. exercise (i.e. team sports), so exempt

It really only leaves socialising, but even then few groups exceed 6 people in a pub or restaurant environment and it will be difficult to police in many pubs. It should certainly help kill off parties, but that’s about it.

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If you are booking Covid test, you will eventually get to the point where you put in your postcode to find your nearest testing station. .... All good so far?

This is where the system fails. Not practically but digitally. The computer system seems to have a glitch where it cannot find your local station. So it will either find nothing and say there are no stations available or that you need to travel to Mars or beyond. 

Fear not. Just keep trying. Eventually and I do mean eventually, it will find something nearby.

Kids are back at school.. Head colds abound. High temps. No sense of smell with a blocked nose .. you'll be booking a test. 

Just make sure you have a QR code for every testee... I spent 90 mins on the phone trying to register a test without a code. 

It nearly works. But not quite!

And I'm in the NHS.

"Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them." Albert Einstein

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My joke. 

Someone in 2120..

How about that Covid-20 thing 100 years ago. Killed 200 million people. 

'dont you mean Covid-19?'

No. The vaccine was invented in 2020.

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"Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them." Albert Einstein

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  • Gold FFM
12 hours ago, 100th_Idiot said:

Seems like a good idea

I’m really not a fan on this intrusion into individuals Dna. Yes it may help police in a small way - but let’s not forget the widespread sexual exploitation of young girls that has been ignored for decades all over the uk. 

I for one do not trust the integrity of the Government, police or council appointed individuals. This country is now an utter disgrace frankly.

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