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UK Politics Thread


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saw a facebook post today of hugh grant outside no 10 with the caption "you know it makes sense" i couldnt help posting that both had been caught recieving oral but at least boris hadnt paid for his 😆

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23 hours ago, LotusLeftLotusRight said:

Too true. I remember visiting a customer of ours about 20 years ago. Turns out one of the non-exec Directors was William Hague. I doubt that he had the faintest clue about the products that the company was making.

The same charge could have been levelled at some of the operating directors I’ve experienced in the past.

In reality though, they’re buying prestige, along with (hopefully) access to whatever influential contacts said person may have made along the way to further the interests of their business. And as a result they’re prepared to pay handsomely for the privilege of having a famous (or maybe infamous), person on their board as a non-exec.

Margate Exotics.

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State of the MSM (OK, the Express) - I was reading about Luton Airport - honest.


  • Last Remainer out - apart from Liz Truss
  • Kemi surges - she is now in last place.

So that's 2 out of 3 statements wrong


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Tory right rallying around Liz Truss apparently.

Weel let’s hope the media have the balls to ask her to explain why she went along with Boris’ policies when she was a cabinet member now she seems so much against them. Let’s see her defend the obvious which is that the salary she was being paid was too precious to speak out against Boris & Sunak at the time.

If she or Mordaunt get the vote then that’ll be me voting for Basil Brush and the loud mouthed Barbie esq doll. Might as well have a complete joke of a govt rather than a half joke of one.

Maybe Mordaunt’s initials have gone to her head, she really likes the initials PM 😉

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Liz Truss has only been on a fraction of the political journey that the Kier 'integrity' Starmer has been on in the last few years!    Based on the media's endless negative coverage of BJ, I assume Truss can expect similar. 

I would have liked to see Kemi win as she would have been a 'disrupter' that Starmer would have most struggled with. 

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Would be much better if it was a 3-way vote that the members had, as it does feel a bit manipulated down to the last two. What @PaulCP said about Truss equally, if not more so, holds true for Sunak. 

I'd have voted for Kemi if she had made it to the last two as a fresh breath of air. I definately won't vote for Sunak due to the above.

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Whatever the outcome, considering putting Starmer, Rayner and co in and we’ll be totally f***ed. They already have the easiest job in Government and they know it “The Opposition” where everyone is an expert.

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  • 1 month later...

Some (a few)  planning a Boris comeback - perhaps as leader of the opposition if the Tories loose a snap election. Or as suggested a confidence vote. Can't really see the country putting up with more fuddling. 


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I think the title of the thread should be “The U.K. is screwed”

I don’t see any of the current 2 candidates as being suitable leaders and sure as hell there is no leader heading up any of the opposition parties.

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I refused to vote for either as I think the the consertative party MPs missed a trick (as usual) to have a clean break from the past, but decided to offer up the members two who had been in cabinet all along.

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He couldn't win a one horse race. He'll be gone by the next election.

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God doesn't want me, and the Devil isn't finished with me yet.


The small print.

My comments and observations are my own, invariably "tongue in cheek", and definitely, sarcastic in nature. Therefore, do not take my advice, suggestions, observations or posts seriously or personally and remember if you do, do anything, that I may have suggested, then you have done this based solely on your own decision to do so and therefore you acknowledge responsibility and accountability (I know, in this modern world these are the hardest things for you to accept) for your actions and indemnify me of any influence, responsibility, accountability, or liability, in what you have done. In other words, you did it, so suffer the consequences on your own!

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  • 1 month later...

Must be time for another leadership contest, have not had one for a couple of months. What a shambles, she does not inspire any confidence at all.

Larry the cat stands a better chance.......been in residence much longer....


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Sacking your Chancellor for implementing your policies, blinkers firmly on.

Go Liz!

No, not a cheer. Literally go. 

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Possibly save your life. Check out this website. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/mens-cancer



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Truss is setting a fine example to the youth of today, even though they don’t need it.

Her message to the country “no need to take responsibility for your actions, just find someone else to pin it on!”

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Truss has lost all respect and authority.  She is hopeless for not stand by her convictions and surrendering to back bench pressure and media hysteria.

The Tory’s don’t stand a chance at the next election.  I can see Labour in power for a long time with more borrowing, higher taxes and huge spending. 

This country is in serious trouble if we don’t start paying off the 2 trillion debt we have amassed.

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It’s been a catastrophic term of Government by any historical standards. To go from an 80 seat landslide majority in 2019 to this utter shambles in less than 3 years is quite some achievement. They’ve got to go. Didn’t they use to say maximum one PM change per term, or has that rule been abolished? Even the most ardent right wingers must recognise now that the game’s over.

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I caught a snippet of her speech on the radio news this afternoon. I can't say that she sounds the least bit Prime Ministerial, there's just no personality, enthusiasm or gravitas coming through.

For all his (many) apparent faults at least Boris could deliver an address convincingly, even if it was thin or bereft of any actual/sensible content...

Not worth starting anything now...🍺

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